Hello all,
I'm traying to double this objecte like a bridge, but I only want to double
in the middle of it, the extremes should be straights. I don't know who can
I do it. Can anyone help me?
The code is:
#include "colors.inc"
#include "textures.inc"
camera { location <0, 0, -23> look_at <0, 0, 0> focal_point <-15, -9, 0> }
light_source { <-5, 2, -15> color rgb <2, 2, 2> }
light_source { <10, 2, 0.> color rgb <1, 1, 1> }
background { color White }
#macro Cuc (How_many_blobs)
#local HM_Blobs_remanente = How_many_blobs ;
blob {
threshold .6
#while (HM_Blobs_remanente>0)
sphere { <0, HM_Blobs_remanente*1.2 ,0> 1 , 1 }
#local HM_Blobs_remanente = HM_Blobs_remanente-1 ;
scale 0.5
pigment { Gray*0.75 }
finish { phong .4 }
object { Cuc (8) rotate z*105 translate <-8, -5, 0> }
Thanks in advance,
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